March 08, 2006

Tenebrous, Tenebrae, Tenebrism

I think Dario Argento is a strange man. I watched Tenebrae recently, and although I laughed at the axe through the head (and other parts of the body) murders, I also wondered why he wanted to display this gore. There is something satisfying about the spray of blood that comes from a taut piece of body, as if the innards are always straining to escape. There is something almost akin to the surprise intensity of orgasm in the sudden break of skin and the bursting forth of a tide of gore. There are these sudden bodily things, that continue to excite us, and perhaps they are part of the reason we continue to live (surprise!!!). Moments.....

Tenebrous (despite it being such a beautiful day) and slightly sad today. But perhaps I am just all about the emotional overload. I can't help but wonder about how meaningful it can possibly be when it is always on your sleeve?

I'm also fuming.


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