May 04, 2006


On Tuesday whilst driving to St Kilda I noticed the car behind me and then beside me seemed irratic (the driver I suspect) and I looked over to see the elderly driver of the car with an oxygen mask over his face. He seemed to be breathing deeply and with some difficulty. He was only able to drive with one hand (not I bet he was driving an automatic), as the right hand held the mask. It reminded me of Blue Velvet. I wondered if he should be driving, and then realised that it was an incredibly funny image.

I remember looking at an Andres Serrano photo of stab wounds, and I was amazed by how much they looked like little mouths. In some strange way they were quite beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does the pathway stuff work? I recently checked out a forensic atlas on CD-Rom of natural and unnatural deaths... Strange to view bodies in this manner, but we always want to know what happens to bodies in ANY given situtation I think, but it seems we don't like admitting it...

3:26 am  

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