August 20, 2006


Ah, what delight I take in fucking and swearing, and their inherent similarities. I swoon with the sheer intensity of both activities, and create mucal rivulets between my lips, of which there are many. I'm constantly drooling at the moment, from whichever orifice is happiest and runniest. I am at the point of exploding with a feeling of visceral aliveness. Have I felt like this before? I am beginning to wonder.

Some things are too important to metion flippantly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

then perhaps i will not metion them at all...
except to say: yee fuckin' haa!

12:52 am  
Blogger the pearl fisher said...

Whoever you are 'Anonymous' (coward), you sound like a dolt.

As for fecking and swearing, I agree. A certain delight can be taken in both, whether separate or combined, but combined is much better. Mmm, yummy! And your latest blog shows an uncanny and perceptive vision of the meeting of the sexual and the sensual, or do we mean the true sense of what is commonly known as erotic?

2:42 am  
Blogger Emily Maple said...

Yay for fucking & swearing!!!

3:37 pm  

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