December 27, 2005

Norman Bates: My Mother's Brother....

LP and I were talking about families. She said that someone she works with has a father who is on medication for 'morbid jealousy', which we both found incredibly funny. I said that I think my mother's brother (I can't bear toy refer to him as the u word, he's too foul) is soon to become a Norman Bates type who dresses in his mother's clothes. The relationship between him and the grandmother is bizarre, incredible and disgusting. They both disgust me because they are no0t normal humans, yet they are so repulsively human. He is distraught because she is dying, and he cries. When I went to say goodbye to her I looked at her lying in her putrid bed in a dank room and felt no sadness. She started bitching about Aunty Ed, who I adore, saying that Aunty Ed had lied about something years ago. I asked her why she even cared and she said 'I don't care for myself, but she goes around telling people this and it isn't true', and again I asked why she even cared. She said to me 'if you are going to be like that I won't talk to you'. I smiled her and said ok. When I got up to leave she said that when she dies ("deeeeaaaar, when I'm gone........eargh...aaahhhhh) I must write to and phone my mother's brother, because he will be devastated. I agreed to so as not to upset her (and I might start eating shit from the toilet when she dies too), and gave her a wan smile. I leaned in to kiss her wrinkled hair scented head, and I thought, Christ, you smell like you're dying, even though I don't know what that smells like. I said that I would come back down in a couple of months, and she said she probably won't be around in a couple of months. And I said 'oh well, we'll wait and see'. I think she was shocked that I didn't cry. Why would I? This is her final performance, and she must be angry that half the audience is either missing or doesn't care. Even my mother seems fairly indifferent to it all. She cares about suffering and pain. As do I.

So I expect to see reports of bizarre crimes in Tasmania soon, involving a man who dresses up as his mother and kills people. And with pride I can say "well fuck, I'm related to that". Funny how some people can only be redeemed by doing something horrific.


Blogger ida gasp said...

Matt, who is Jenny Calendar?

And my, what an arty farty boy you are too....

Looking forward to hanging out at KF's place (which is really EC's place) soon.

9:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol oh Jenny Calander is a character off Buffy, who teaches at Buffy's highschool. And yeah, she was just a cool character, and then a vampire killed her.
Her and Giles (her boyfriend and the libraian) were planning on having a romantic night (which was basically gonna be sex) BUT after the vampire killed her, said vampire porceded to set up the whole place like she was waiting on her bed for Giles, but when he gets up there, shes dead.

The whole thing was actually alot better than my description. But yeah, very cinematic and it made me sad.

How's that for a long explanation?

And booya on the thing at EC's!!!!!

I like your art as well! I'll post more when I retrive the digital camera from work, the painting is all in its very early stages (first time i've painted ever), but I'm getting there. I have one on the wall here, its kinda cool.

Anyhow, I'm rambling!
3:28 AM, I should sleep heh heh

8:30 am  
Blogger Emi D said...

Hi you two, look at you having conversations on blogs like this, it's so 2005. I mean 2006. Hey how about tonight or tomorrow night? Otherwise it'll be in the new year, which might mean the zeitgeist will be all different... no anytime's ok. speak human-to-human soon to arrange.

2:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*I'm now posting this message for historical..sakeness... as in the end I found a way to SMS with out paying money, woo!*

I'm up for tomorrow night (I'm assuming we're talking friday here, doesn't display the dates)
Give me a yell.
My phone is not charged with communication power magic and I don't know ECs land line.
Oh god I have the gym tomorrow morning lol

11:47 pm  
Blogger ida gasp said...

tomorrow night is good with me. I'll call you in the morning KF.

5:04 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IDA!!!!! you gotta do a new year blog, i'm not wishing you a good one until you do!!!!! *pouts and then giggles hysterically*

9:16 pm  

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